Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Women of the Beat Generation

"The truth of the matter is we don't understand our women; we blame them and it's all our fault." This is what Jack Kerouac said about the women of his generation. Because he had so many women in his life, Kerouac began understanding them. There were many female beats, but they were rarely mentioned, because of the sexism of that era. Take the poet Joan Vollmer for example. She represented an independent, intelligent, and free-spirited woman, but never got published or recognized. After she married William Borroughs, all she was known for was being his wife. During this time period, it was hard for women to express themselves. Not only would they be considered crazy, but would be removed from any site by force. Writer, Diane di Prima, stated in a 1978 interview that many "potential great women writers wound up crazy or dead." There were a few women that did indeed received recognitioned. These women were Joyce Johnson, Joanne Kyger, and Dianne di Prima. There was nothing more thrilling than to leave the stereotypical role, that women had to portray during the 1950s. The women of the Beat Generation had enough courage to make a life of their own.
-Carla Mendoza

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