Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Differences of Beatniks and Hippies.

Beatniks started an enourmous cutlural movement at the start of the 1950s, and even though hippies followed thier footsteps, they were two totally different eras. The way these two generations expressed their feeling were completely different. For example, beatniks would express themselves through writing. They would write poetry, books, any type of literature, to get their feelings out to the world. Hippies on the other hand, used music to express what they thought. They would also have protests to stand for what they believed in. Anohter difference between Beats and hippies is their clothing style. Hippies wore colorful and vivid loose clothing. They would wear long hair and were known for "being cool" Beatniks were complete opposite. They would wear dull clothes, men had goatees, and would "play it cool." No matter how different these two eras were, they had the same impact on the younger generations of America.

-Carla Mendoza

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